From small works rosters to alternative delivery renovations and new construction, VECA supports K-12 and higher education environments that make a lasting impact for all.

By the Numbers
Experience in K-12, colleges, and universities
collaborative delivery education projects
different Major educational institutions
Connected and Coordinated
We construct electrical and technology system solutions that align with owner standards and specifications with effective functionality for end users. From AV to CCTV and other tech-driven systems, we understand how to fully integrate systems with centralized District-wide or enterprise management, maintenance, and controls.

Creating Best Value Benefits
Students, educators, and facilities teams all benefit when project teams deliver high-value solutions that meet current needs and are adaptable for change as the building's uses evolve. With decades of experience in all levels of education institutions, we think creatively to find infrastructure opportunities that support future flexibility, helping develop systems that make the most of every project dollar.
We Put Ourselves in Your Shoes
Systems that function like they should from day one and onward—it may sound simple, but we know the care and attention it really takes to make sure that’s the outcome. We look out for the little things that make big differences, such as training and system familiarity. We help fine tune systems after substantial completion and don’t leave until we know facilities and maintenance teams have what they need.