VECA is established as a go-to, trusted partner for complex Port and municipal electrical projects.

By the Numbers
Shutdowns without unplanned outages
miles of conveyor installed
Terminal construction Projects
Meeting Evolving Airport Standards
Air travel is a fluid, ever-changing environment with exponential growth. This requires rapid advancements in construction methods, techniques, and planning. Our airport transportation team are experts in creating innovative solutions to meet the needs of increased passenger volumes, security requirements, state-of-the art technology, renewable energy, and sustainability goals. All of this must be achieved while maintaining 24/7/365 operating facilities and supporting a positive experience for traveling customers.

Keeping People Moving by Rail and Road
Transportation projects have inherent challenges due to their unique locations and purpose. Each requires close coordination with multiple jurisdictions, careful project phasing, integration with new or existing systems, and varying power requirements. Our infrastructure specialists are well versed in DC, high, medium, and low voltage systems and are actively engaged with key stakeholders to develop efficient project phasing while minimizing impacts to the traveling public.